Saturday, November 17, 2018

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The French De Niro - Lino Ventura

There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who love Lino Ventura and those who don't know him.
Lino Ventura unfortunately isn't a household name in English speaking countries. In most of the world, stars of French movies are just as popular as their Hollywood colleagues. But the indolence of English speaking audience (sorry, guys) to watch foreign movies, either subtitled or dubbed (you would get easily used to it) means that one of the biggest movie stars in the world, Alain Delon, is almost absolutely unknown in the USA. The same goes for stars like Jean Gabin, Jean-Paul Belmondo or Lino Ventura.
Ventura was an Italian but he lived in France for most of his life. He began to star in French movies in 1950's although being a non-actor. He played a part of Italian gangster in Paris in the Jean Gabin vehicle called "Touchez pas au grisbi" in 1954. He began to play bad guys, but with 1960's he changed sides to the heroes. His heroes were silent, strong types, usually in some trouble they didn't cause. He made spy movies, police movies, dramas.
I've chosen a few interesting movies that I like.

This movie is originally called "100.000 dollars au soleil" and it stars Ventura and Jean-Paul Belmondo. They are truck drivers in North Africa, friends, but one day Belmondo steals a truck with an expensive load. Ventura goes to pursue him. A modern truck western directed by a prolific French director Henri Verneuil.

Ventura against gun stealers on the sea. The movie was shot in a huge water tank. You can't say that when watching the movie.

Ventura teams up with Delon and they are friends for life in this sad adventure movie about fullfilling dreams. Rather episodic, but strong, with great performances by both stars and Joanna Shimkus, later Mrs. Sidney Poitier.
Ventura again with Delon, again with Verneuil and for the last time with Gabin. A great movie based on a book by Auguste Le Breton. Perfect music by Ennio Morricone. Gabin is the mafia boss in France, Delon is a very wanted criminal and Ventura is the cop on his track.

A very depressive movie about the French resistance during WWII. Nazis are powerful, resistance is falling apart. In my book the best movie by Jean-Pierre Melville.

This is a Bronson movie, where Ventura played the part of the legendary boss Vito Genovese. I have to rewatch it as I don't remember it much except for liking it. In my book the best Terence Young movie.

Lino is a cop again, struggling with powerful politicians and taking care of his young hot-headed colleague Patrick Dewaere. A good movie.

The only horror starring Ventura. He didn't like it, so he refused other English spoken parts like in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. He is dubbed by someone else actually. Ventura is a cop again investigating the attempted murder of a well known writer John Morlar (Richard Burton), who seems more and more to be a very strange guy. Ventura hated it, critics hated it, but it's actually very good.

GARDE A VUE (1981)
A little room, three man. A comissioner, a policeman and a suspect. The comissioner is Ventura, the suspect is Michel Serrault. Really a good movie about guilt and confession.

Another spy movie starring Ventura, together with Michel Piccoli and Bruno Cremer. Who is the hunter and why does he hunt? Again great score by Morricone.

Movies I haven't seen but that should be interesting:

The Wise Guys (1966)
Ventura teamed with Bourvil in a movie by Robert Enrico.

Second Breath (1966)
Ventura in a Melville crime movie.

Three Tough Guys (1974)
Italian blaxploitation starring Ventura, Isaac Hayes and Fred Williamson!

Illustrious Corpses (1976)
Political crime drama from the good old Italy. Co-starring Max Von Sydow.

Butterfly on the Shoulder (1978)
Another spy movie directed by Jacques Deray this time.

Jigsaw (1979)
Ventura in Canada with Angie Dickinson and Donald Pleasence!

Les Miserables (1982)
An adaptation of the Victor Hugo classic novel.

The Ruffian (1983)
Ventura + Claudia Cardinale + Morricone, in Canadian nature again.